Year 2012 brings new challenges -
- PhD study. Challenges with the research for my PhD is to find the perfect and yet affordable location for field and lab research. There are a couple of professors lined up but it is hard to finalize which professors to collaborate more closely. I will have to seek our more research funding and scholarship opportunities.
- Diving. In the year 2012, Hannah and I are going for our long-awaited Trimix class. This class will open up more opportunities for our diving. We will be more involved in the TechDive NZ cave exploration - Blue Creek resurgence.
- Tutorship. I will start teaching in the BIOSCI lab after 2 years of demonstrating. I am definitely looking forward to it.
- Fitness. Wow... age is a horrible thing!... I used to be able to go through weeks without much sleep, and can bounce back easily from a I can barely keep myself awake after 11pm! And when I fall sick, I FALL SICK! This year, I have to be more diligent keeping myself fit.
- Family.. the Chinese have a great saying which I never really appreciate until now. When you are young, you can't wait to leave home. When you are adult, you want to have a home. When you are old, you just want to go home. In 2012, I am going to be in closer contacts with my family (both old and new family members :) )
and goals -
- Finish and publish the two papers I have been working on for the past 3 months.
- Portions of the PhD research to be done : location recce, collaborators negotiation, literature review, experimental design.
- Publish at least one paper from my PhD research before end of 2012.
- Pass our GUE fundamentals and Rec 3 (Trimix).
- Conduct at least one exploration dive on the Blue Creek resurgence with TechDive NZ.
- Clock a total of at least 40 recreational dives and 10 technical dives.
- Teach 2 labs per week (this will help with the monthly finances as well :) )
- Stick to a strict exercise regime ( I already have a regime, but sticking to it is another story :P)
- Run the Auckland Marathon.
- Call home (Singapore) at least once every fortnight.
- Go home (Singapore) at least one time in year 2012 (not counting the wedding date!).
- Go back to Iron Mountain.
Happy new year.
Love this!