The puppies are slightly more than 3 weeks old. When I came back this Sunday, their eyes were already opened, although I don't think their vision is fully developed yet. Their hearing and scent ability are definitely working very well, as with their ability to bark and howl when they need food. They are still nursing but we introduced them to a bit of raw chicken meat yesterday, and everything went well.
The puppies still sleep a lot. When they are awake, they would usually play with each other, pounding on Kaly and each other's head. We have been handling them a lot as well, getting them used to be handled. Their teeth is starting to grow, and they are exploring around the room a bit more. They would wobble around on their weak legs, wagging their tails.. and when they are tried, they would "scream" at the top of their lungs so that we would go and bring them back to their bed. There they would fall asleep immediately! Jet has been introduced to the pups...he is a bit loss on what to do with them, so he just kept a distance from them, and smell them from afar.
Puppies... :)
"Tiger" sleeping on top of Kaly's head |
Puppies first taste of raw chicken |
"Fiesty" :"I just woke up...what can I do for you?" |