Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Oh Lilith...

Yesterday, we had to bring Lilith to see the vet due to her swollen face. Half of her face was swollen, and she appeared to be in pain. She refused to let us inspect her to determine the problem. The vet had to applied anesthetic in order to see what's wrong with her. We realized she had a broken right canine and a piece of wood chip was stuck in her gum. The wood chip caused abscess and infection in her gum. After spending an hour in surgery, this was what was removed from her gum. We are definitely looking a closer watch on this trouble-maker.

Broken canine with root (top), wood chip (bottom)
Lilith with a swollen face


  1. Sorry to hear about Lilith. Can the vet implant the tooth back?

  2. No need, its only a puppy tooth, so she will get another one in a few weeks. It was more poor US after we saw the size of the bill. Anesthesia is EXPENSIVE!

  3. Aww poor, trouble-making puppy! Has she taken Kaly's place or are you still trying to find her a home?

  4. Poor girl. Hope she gets better soon. But at least she will be quiet for a few days? :)
