Friday, October 12, 2012

Orchids are blooming

After 2 years of caring for the orchids, they are finally blooming. Since I got the orchids two years ago, I have been carefully adding nutrients to help them grow, separating the buds, bringing them out in the sun, bringing them in the house to "escape" the cold winter etc.... Finally, this spring see the blooming of the two orchid plants. I don't remember their species names, but one of the them have huge, yellowish-green color flowers. The other I can only see the buds, so still waiting :)

Oh, the grapevine has started fruiting as well.


  1. Marius brought home a white orchid last year, it had buds, but it never blossomed! I am following every piece of instruction I can get so carefully, but I think it is still dying :(

  2. I think the tricky part is NOT to water too much!... Contrary to what we know about other plants, you need to let the substrate (best substrate in my opinion is a mix of peat moss, charcoal and wood pieces) dry out. Otherwise the roots will just rot.
