Friday, December 14, 2012

Quite a summer so far

It has been quite a busy summer so far!.... We went to the city last week to get as many things from the DIY store for materials on Fawkes remodelling. Besides that, we found and bought a couple more items - a chair, garden shed, fish tank, cupboard for putting the fish tank on, kitchen cabinet for the van remodelling. All the items were bought used from trademe (equivalent to ebay in NZ). We also went to Martha's Backyard to get some US local food :)... We also managed to score a new grill which is highly discounted!

Putting the garden shed together was an ordeal because the instructions are so confusing. We finally gave up on following the instructions and came up with our own methods. It looks great when everything is done, although there are numerous screws which we do not know where they belong to! The garden shed is going to be used to store tools etc, so that Hannah have more space for her yard in her creative room.

Food from Martha's Backyard
The dwarf orchid is blooming as well!
The new fish tank!... Nano size... 20gal!
The garden shed
Me pretending to be a red-neck on the grill....
look at the size of the steak :)