Friday, February 8, 2013

CMB course in Australia DAY 5

Finally, we survived to the end of the week. There is a great relief in the face of everyone. It is a long week for everyone, and we are mentally drained! It is a tediously workshop with lots of new information and techniques etc. Today, Megan Huggett started off the day teaching us how to align sequences and build phylogenetic trees on the ARB software. It was a tedious process, and personally I don't think she was well prepared for the course. There are a lot of missing information, although she is nice, I am expecting a lot more from a person who have 2 post-doc! She is a perfect example of researchers who are really brilliant but are so poor in presentation! I personally think that every scientist need to learn to be effective in presentation.

It was an easier afternoon, with presentations from Justin Seymour (Oceanographer, Marine Microbiologist). It was about oceanographic marine microbial, which is related to my research. So I was looking forward to today's lecture. He was an ok presenter (reading very fast), but at least his topic is interesting to me :P

After the lecture, it is social time. I got the chance to speak to Justin Seymour about my research and get to listen to his perspective. Got around to know the other students a bit more as well. One of the student I really love to talk to is actually my room mate, Adi. He lives in Israel, research on sponges and actually knows Rosenberg personally (if you know corals in the Red Sea, you know Rosenberg!). he is trying to see if he can introduce me to him (at least over the Internet). He hope that I can visit him someday in Israel, and he will show me around. Adi is clever, and it is always fun to discuss with him about science and the application of our research.

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