Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Visit to Victoria University DAY 1

The plan was to visit my co-supervisor, Dr. Simon Davy these four days. He is the Head of the School of Biological Science in Victoria University in Wellington. The purpose of the visit is to learn some new techniques, specifically the Diving PAM and differentiating different clades of symbiodinum. These knowledges will be extremely useful when conducting my research in Taiwan during June/ July 2013.

The flight took slightly longer than an hour, and I arrived in Wellington around 3pm. Although I am excited, my throbbing headache made the flight and journey pretty painful. I took the bus into the city which cost $9! According to Simon Davy, the university is on top of the hill in the middle of the city. And he is RIGHT!... It is a hill, and it makes the hill at University of Auckland looks like a gentle slope! The hill is literally 60 deg inclination, and there are (I swear!) at least 100 steps to the university. Enduring the headache, the cold weather, I finally reached the school after climbing uphill for more than 20 minutes...

I had a brief meeting with Simon, get a tour of the lab. The set-up in the lab is very nice, with a lot of emphasis on coral physiology work. We arranged with his Post-doc, Dr. Paul Fisher on a suitable time to learn the Diving PAM tomorrow. We also came up with a rough plan for the next three days.

The walk down the slope was not exactly easy as well! I had hurt my back a couple of days back, the walking down the slope put a strain on it. There was just a bit of discomfort with every step I took. Checked in to Nomad's Backpackers (which is in the middle of the city) for the night. I am sharing the room with 9 other people. Fortunately, everyone is very quiet. Most of them are on their laptops, either "talking" to their friends, watching movies, or writing on their travel journal. My head is still throbbing... I think I am going to have an early night today so that I have enough brain power to soak in all the new knowledge the next few days.

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