Saturday, February 11, 2012

Research in Taiwan coral reefs

Months of searching for the best suited PhD collaborators has finally come to a fruitful end. Besides my primary supervisor in University of Auckland, I will be working closely with Dr. Sen-Lin Tang of Academia Sinica, Taiwan.At the moment, I am working through the final stages of paperwork with the Graduate Student department in University of Auckland, but I am preparing for travel to Taiwan in mid-April for meeting, location recee as well as hands-on training in collecting, preserving and analyzing DNA samples of microbes in coral reef colonies.

Taiwan is probably not the first country mentioned when the conversation turns to the spectacular scuba diving that exists in Asia; but, as more people are discovering, diving in Taiwan is actually excellent. This is not too surprising considering that Taiwan is an island straddling the Tropic of Cancer, with many offshore islets scattered around it. But Taiwan remains a yet undiscovered gem in Asia's crown of dive locations such as Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia. In fact, Taiwan offers diving that rivals, and often exceeds, its more popular neighbors and is poised to enhance its image as a dive destination.

My research would probably be concentrated around these two region:
Kenting Marine Park
The scenery which makes the national park so spectacular extends below the water. The cliffs on the shore drop into extensive coral reefs thriving with life. Visibility is excellent, averaging 40 feet and soaring to 80 on a good day. All manner of marine life mingles in the coral canyons. This writer has encountered large hawksbill turtles, blue-spotted sting-rays, huge lobsters, and, of course, lots of interesting fish. The reefs provide an almost unlimited area for exploration and the diver will easily find caves and swim-throughs to explore which will satisfy that aching desire to discover.
Diving in Kenting Marine Park

Green Island
This island lying less than 50 kilometers off the coast near Taitung offers some of the best diving in Taiwan. Tapaisha (Big White Sand) Beach on the southern end of the island is the center for diving here. The remote location of this beach guarantees excellent visibility and the chance to see some exciting animals. 
Diving around Green Island

There are numerous reasons why I chose Taiwan when the Great Barrier Reef of Australia is just 4 hours  away, but these are to be discussed in the next blog. Until the next time, here is a short video of what could be expected in the underwater world of Taiwan.

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