Friday, June 21, 2013

Taiwan research trip June 2013

Today was a slightly busy day, not for the experiments, but for other matters - went diving again at the inflow of the nuclear plant, had lunch meeting with Dr. Fan, and went for a brief tour of the aquarium.

I went diving again at the nuclear plant inflow point. The lab's research assistants were there to secure the underwater monitoring cameras, and I was just there to look for more coral colony samples. The plan was to go to the outflow point after this. However, the weather wasn't cooperating, and I had to rush to get a couple of heaters for my experiment because two of them broke.

Maxima clam


Wall full of sun coral (Tubastrea sp.)

Back from diving, and off to lunch meeting with Dr. Fan. We talked a bit about everything - personal life, research, future collaboration etc. After lunch, Dr. Fan spoke to the in-charge, and seek permission for me to take a brief tour of the aquarium. The highlight of the aquarium is a baby whale shark, and two begula whales.

Beef noodle soup
Cost Free

Beef noodle soup

Did not bring the SONY alpha 55 with me on this trip. Therefore, most of the photos for the aquarium turned out either out of focus or too bright... sorry.

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